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YSEALI Launch of Southeast Asia Women Platform

Dec 16, 2018

Are you an expert in your field or do you know an amazing woman who is? You can submit your own profile or nominate someone else to be featured on This new platform was recently launched by the YSEALI Women Leadership Academy to empower and connect female talents in the ASEAN region. I had the privilege of being listed in their first batch alongside 3 incredible Bruneian women.

At the launch event, YSEALI Women Lead for Brunei, Aimi Ramlee explained they are encouraging more Bruneian women to submit their profiles for consideration and become active members of the network.

“This is one way to ensure that the knowledge that we gain in our own communities is not just limited to our own countries, but can help and benefit women in other countries.”

In attendance were Daniel Lee, current U.S. Public Affairs Officer and members of the Brunei Legislative Council including YB Siti Rozaimeriyanty DSLJ Hj Abd Rahman, YB Nik Hafimi Abdul Haadii, and YB Khairunnisa Ash’ari.

The website was also launched the same day in Malaysia, as part of YSEALI ‘YOUnified’, an annual event which aims to promote youth engagement in finding solutions to local, national and regional issues.

Check out the new website

And learn more about YSEALI and the Women’s Leadership Academy

Read the news story at The Scoop