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Radio Television Brunei – A Healthcare Perspective

Dec 15, 2021

Recently had the opportunity to join Radio Television Brunei and share my perspective on the impact of the country’s 2nd Covid-19 outbreak on families.

This special one-off programme was prepared as a forum on family values and was moderated by Ustaz Abd Rahman bin Haji Ajak (Director of Management and Administration at the Al-Minhaaj Centre). The other panellists were Ustaz Hilman bin Haji Salim (Director of the Fiqh Al-Usrah Reseach Centre at University College Perguruan Ugama Seri Begawan) and Dayang Irnawati binti Haji Mahir (Community Development Officer at the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports).

My contribution focused on the sacrifices of healthcare workers – many were unable to see their family for days at a time during a period of high tension and stress. I also emphasized the role technology played in allowing families to stay connected during critical moments of life and death, when physical visits were not possible.

It was an engaging and entertaining discussion which although ended all too quickly, we were happy to continue the conversation after filming had ended.